Trouble Publishing Workbook from Tableau to Rockset using JDBC Driver

Hi there

I’m experiencing difficulty publishing a workbook from Tableau Online to a Rockset online data source via the JDBC driver. Despite numerous attempts, the process has not been successful, and the following error messages have been persistently encountered:

In Tableau Desktop:
An error occurred while communicating with the Other Databases (JDBC) data source ‘Custom SQL Query+ (commons)’
Bad Connection: Tableau could not connect to the data source.
Error Code: D7F10BB8
An error occurred when publishing the workbook.
Connect Failed
Unable to create extract

In Tableau Prep Builder:
System error: An error occurred while communicating with the Other Databases (JDBC) data source ‘LoomDataSource’
channel is in state TRANSIENT_FAILURE

I am running the following configuration:

  • Tableau Online Version: 2023.1.0
  • Tableau Prep Builder Version: 2023.2
  • Operating System: Windows 10 Enterprise
    *JDBC Driver Details: Rockset JDBC driver Version: rockset-java-0.10.0-uberjar.jar

Although I’m able to establish a successful connection to the Rockset data source, the issue arises specifically when attempting to publish the workbook.

I’ve endeavored to troubleshoot the problem independently, yet have reached a standstill. It is my hope that your team could provide insight to identify and solve the issue.

I look forward to your assistance and a resolution at the earliest convenience.


Hi Sunny! I’m a bit confused on what you mean by publishing from Tableau to Rockset. You can publish the workbook to the Tableau Server or Cloud that has data from Rockset. It sounds like you were able to integrate your data from Rockset to Tableau. Can you share a recording of your screen showcasing the steps you took and the error you received? Also feel free to open up a support ticket by sending us an email at

Edit: I see that you already created a support ticket on this!

Rockset does not support connecting to Tableau Online via the JDBC driver. Tableau Bridge can be used to connect Rockset to a Tableau Online data source.