Compatibility with some Query Builder

I need to perform query on Collection on my code.
I can’t find a way to adopt some better solution than passing raw sql on rockset api.
Do you have a solution to build sql query compatible with Rockset dialet?
I would like to use some wide used solution like kysely or knex, in these projects many db are supported (like Redshift).

What do you do when you need to build a complex query?

PS I can’t use Query Lambda in my projects because I alway need to put parameters on Order By

I recommend checking out the Rockset Python SDK and SQLAlchemy. I don’t have experience with Kysely or Knex so I can’t speak on how well they work. When you find something that works for you, feel free to post it here so others can learn from you too!! Thanks! :slight_smile:

Unfortunately my stack is NodeJS so I couldn’t use Python SDK.
I will find some way to improve the actual implementation and keep update this thread.

Rockset also has a Node.js SDK! Here’s a list of all their client libraries:

Hope that helps! :slight_smile: